Exempted from a Presumption of Abuse

  1. If you have Primarily Business Debt or Qualifying Military Service, you must complete both Form 122A-1 and Form 122A-1Supp.

    **If any of the exclusions applies to only one debtor, the other person may be required to file a separate Form 122A-1, if required by Section 707(b)(2)(C).

  2. Select the reason for the Means Test Exemption.
    • Primarily Non-Consumer Debt
    • Military/Homeland Security Service
    • If Military/Homeland Security Service is selected, make the appropriate selection:
      • I am a disabled veteran whose debts were incurred mostly while on active duty or while performing a homeland defense activity.
      • I am a Reservist or member of the National Guard who was called to active duty or performed a homeland defense activity.
        • Make the appropriate selection:
          • Remain on active duty or currently performing a homeland defense activity for at least 90 days.
          • Released from active duty or homeland defense activity.
            • Enter the date released from active duty.
            • The temporary exclusion deadline displays.
  3. Docket Text:Modify as Appropriate.
  4. Review final docket text.
  5. NEF Displays