File Claims
Proof of Claim Mortgage POC Attachment |
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Quick Note
See Federal Bankruptcy Rule 3004 and 3005 regarding filing of claims by the debtor or trustee or guarantors of co-debtors.
Bankruptcy Rule 3002.1 requires that when filing a Mortgage Claim in a Chapter 13 case, the Mortgage Proof of Claim Attachment (B10A) must be attached as a supportive document to the proof of claim.
To file an amended claim, see File Amended Claim procedure.
- Click Bankruptcy Menu
- Click File Claims
- Enter the case number. **When following the steps below, click the Next button to navigate to the next screen.
On the Select a Creditor for Claim screen, search for the creditor by clicking on the drop down arrow.
Select the creditor from the drop down list.
- If the creditor's name does not appear on the list, click on Add Creditor.
- If the creditor's name appears on the list, but reflects a different address, click on Edit Creditor.
Answer Yes or No to Is this the correct creditor?
Enter the Proof of Claim information as follows:
- Amends Claim #: leave blank. See File Amended Claims procedure to file an amended claim.
- Filed By: the default is creditor. If necessary, change to appropriate type.
- Amount Claimed: enter total amount of the claim. Do not leave blank.
- Secured and Priority: enter amount(s) in the appropriate fields.
- Description and Remarks: enter additional comments to describe the claim, if needed.
Browse for the proof of claim, verify it, and attach the document (PDF file)
Attach supportive documents, if applicable
Note:For Mortgage claims filed in a Chapter 13 case, attach the Mortgage Proof of Claim (B10Attachment A) - Click Next to file the claim
Attach supportive documents, if applicable
- Print the Notice of Electronic Filing. It's your receipt.