Correction of Social Security Number After Notice of Commencement of Case

It is the responsibility of the attorney for the debtor to check the "Notice of Chapter ___ Bankruptcy Case, Meeting of Creditors, and Deadlines"within 60 days of submission of "Your Statement About Your Social Security Numbers"to be sure the correct number(s) were displayed on the notice.  If an error is found, proceed as follows, using the forms listed below:

  1. Prepare an Amended "Your Statement About Your Social Security Numbers"Official Form B 121.
  2. File the Amended Statement About Your Social Security Numbers using the Statement of Social Security Number docket event. Important: Before submitting the document, select "Amended"from the drop-down menu on the docket entry screen.
  3. Prepare and send a Notice of Corrected Social Security Number to all creditors and parties of record. Include the three credit reporting agencies.
  4. Prepare the Certificate of Mailing of Notice of Correction of Social Security Number.
  5. File the Certificate of Mailing of Corrected Statement of Social Security Number using the Certificate of Service docket event.


Forms and Sample Notice



Your Statement About Your Social Security Numbers  - B 121




Notice of Corrected Social Security Number - NM LF 1007-1



Certificate of Mailing Notice of Corrected Statement of Social Security Number - NM LF 1007-3

