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Court Opinions Database

The court's provides free access of some opinions, at the discretion of the judges, for the years 1998 to present. The results shown below are automatically displayed for all years, all judges, and all keywords/topics.

A search may be performed using the Search box above, or filtering by year, judge, and/or keyword/topic. To search for more than one judge and/or keywords/topics simultaneously, hold down the Ctrl key (or Command key) and select each item.

Keywords/Topic Date Title Description Judge
Automatic Stay, Discharge Injunction, Laches     05/14/2019     Jama E. Fontaine     

The Court determined that the mortgage lender willfully violated the automatic stay by continuing to rely on the validity of its foreclosure judgment entered after debtor filed her bankruptcy case. The entry of the foreclosure judgment did not constitute a “ministerial act” not subject to the automatic stay. The Court awarded the debtor her attorney’s fees as actual damages, but determined that the debtor could not recover damages for emotional distress.  Punitive damages were not warranted under the circumstances. Laches did not bar the debtor’s stay violation claim even though the debtor delayed filing her motion for willful violation of the automatic stay for more than five years and returned to the bankruptcy court only after she lost her appeal in state court.  Mortgage lender did not violate the discharge injunction.

Chief Judge Robert H. Jacobvitz
Chapter 13     05/14/2019     Jarrod Jay Battershell     

After both mortgages on Debtor’s house defaulted, junior lienholder mortgagee paid off the priority mortgage as a protective advance. Debtor argued that the payment should be characterized as a loan purchase rather than payoff and could cure the arrearages in plan payments. The Court concluded there was no basis to recharacterize the payoff as Debtor proposed and doing so would violate §1322(b)(2).

Judge David T. Thuma
Discrimination, Fees     05/10/2019     David Wayne Jackson     

The debtor objected to the Chapter 7 Trustee’s fees asserting that the Chapter 7 Trustee should not be awarded any compensation because of his alleged mishandling of the estate and mistreatment of the debtor because of his race. The Chapter 7 trustee properly and reasonably relied on the real estate broker to market and sell non-exempt unencumbered real property, and the sales price ultimately obtained was consistent with the realtor’s recommendations and the debtor’s valuation of the property listed in his bankruptcy schedules.  The Court found no evidence of racism and approved the requested fees in accordance with §326.


Chief Judge Robert H. Jacobvitz
Dischargeability     05/03/2019     Adrianne Anaya v. Amalio J. Cardoza and Gloria Inez Cardoza,     

The Court denied Defendants’ motion to dismiss or for more definite statement. Complaint arising from an alleged dog attack sufficiently stated a plausible claim for non-dischargeability of debt under 11 U.S.C. § 523(a)(6) based on willful and malicious injury.  

Automatic Stay, Discharge Injunction     05/03/2019     Danielle D. Bridge     

Debtor is an OB/GYN accused of medical malpractice. Creditors moved to lift automatic stay to pursue state court litigation against the Debtor and the hospital where malpractice allegedly occurred. Court denied relief from the automatic stay, as to Debtor, but noted that creditors could still pursue the hospital.


Judge David T. Thuma
Chapter 13     04/30/2019     Sharon L. Pettit     

Debtor filed a motion for an order that its mortgagee could not charge for certain attorney fees incurred after her chapter 13 case was filed and must instead apply all payments received post-petition in accordance with the confirmed chapter 13 plan.  The mortgagee countered that the Debtor’s arguments lacked merit because the case was converted to chapter 7 before plan completion. The Court concluded that the mortgagee acted within its right because of the conversion to chapter 7 before plan completion.

Judge David T. Thuma
Redemption, Valuation     04/18/2019     Ruben R. Maynes, Jr. and Donna L. Maynes,     

After determining that the proper time for fixing redemption value under 11 U.S.C. § 722 is the petition date rather than the date of the valuation hearing, the Court fixed the value of the debtor’s truck for redemption purposes. 

Chief Judge Robert H. Jacobvitz
Automatic Stay, Removal     03/25/2019     CAshco Inc., a New Mexico Corporation     

The Court determined that the automatic stay does not apply to the removal of a state court action to the bankruptcy court.  Once removed to the bankruptcy court, the automatic stay applies to the continued litigation in the adversary proceeding, other than filing a motion for remand and/or abstention. 


Evidence     03/21/2019     Katheryn Ramona Esquibel     

The Court granted a motion seeking to exclude from the final hearing on an objection to claim any evidence that the claimant allegedly engaged in tortious conduct, acted unethically, or committed other wrongdoing in representing the debtor in a prior state court action. The Court also refused to consider whether the New Mexico District Court or the New Mexico State Court of Appeals engaged in judicial misconduct or made a mistake of law. 

Chief Judge Robert H. Jacobvitz
Appeals     03/12/2019     Manuela Q. Franco     

Creditor filed a motion to extend the time to appeal arguing excusable neglect.  After reviewing the motion and the facts of the case, the Court concluded that excusable neglect had not been shown and denied the motion.

Judge David T. Thuma
